Author: Romesh
Think Visibiility September 2010
I have this thing about conferences lately – I don’t like them. Not to rag on any recent ones, but I kept feeling that isn’t much to learn from them if the content continues to remain pretty much basic. Although, I must admit, I hear the sessions are indeed getting better – but I still…
SERP Sniffing – A Long Tail Keyword Strategy
The Art Of SERP Sniffing SERP Sniffing is a technique that has been used by a number of thin affiliates, blackhats and spammers to identify profitable long tail keywords to optimise for. Typically this technique charts thousands of easy pickings across the SERPs to bring in long term, scaleable traffic. I would like to explore…
Negative SEO – 4 Killer Strategies To Look For
Gutted I couldn’t make it to both the sessions at 10:30, I had to miss Tom Critchlows talk, Advanced Analytics for Affiliates. For those of you who know Tom, you know he really gets analytics, and in fact he recently posted for the google analytics team, no mean feat! I hope to catchup with him later if…
A Guide To Long Tail Link Building
When it comes to a link building exercise for clients, I tend to prefer a long tail strategy rather than a top level generic strategy. Long tail Link building? What the heck is that? Why don’t we just chuck all our links with the exact anchors that we want for our money words?
Content Farms – The Who, What, Where and Why
The name “Content Farm” kind of describes it perfectly. What a strange concept, isn’t it? Or maybe not. Spammers and BlackHat SEOs have been auto generating low quality content for long tail search engine rankings for a while now. The content farm technique arguably takes this a few steps further by creating better quality (note –…
Manipulating Google Suggest Results – An Alternative Theory
Google Suggest is a Reputation Management Nightmare at times. A number of companies have been hit and hurt by results that show up with “Company Name + Scam” for example. The problem with those results is that when users see the suggestion, they are immediately tempted to click on them, as opposed to their original…
How To Get A Celebrity To Endorse ALL Your Products on Google
You see, I love finding interesting gaps in Google, both Organic and Paid Search results. I haven’t often spoken about Paid search manipulation, although it does exist, from arbitrage to brand manipulation. However I always love it when I spot something new, that could have been an innocent mistake, but could be used to pervert…
10 Things You Should Have Learnt from the JC Penney SEO Fiasco
You are probably bored reading about the JC Penney Fiasco. I know I was for a little while. But I couldn’t ignore this opportunity – it isn’t often that you get to see a Brand SEO campaign that is nearly burnt to the ground because of dodgy link building practices. You want a case study? Well…